Hey everybody. I'm an electronica artist here at Newgrounds. Review and download all my music till your ears start to bleed. Thank you. Oh, and I respond to every review. Every... single... ONE! AGH!

Age 39, Male

Music Dude

Louisville, KY

Joined on 7/30/04

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Gillenium's News

Posted by Gillenium - June 19th, 2008

...double amplifiers.

Sitting on a stone throne with a nest of wires!"

Lyrics... new song.... Macrochip.

You know, this might turn out to be the coolest song I've ever made. That is, if I can pull off the vocals. I'm having trouble keeping pace with the song, because I wrote the lyrics to be pretty fast. I'm gasping for breath near the end, so I think I might record it in parts and splice it together (just like real rappers do!) I've had breakthroughs in both Macrochip and my newly-retitled trance tune "Sky Below." Both are right on track, and will probably be released at about the same time.

Both songs, strangely enough, are call-backs to the days when I used to put together Ejay songs. That may sound kind've.... weird, but it's true. I certainly don't use pre-made loops anymore like I used to do in the Ejay days, but it's impossible to say that those snapped-together lego songs haven't affected my style, even today. The new tunes are sounding like those old tunes (which I can still look back on and enjoy today... even though I can't release them).

Ok ok, I realize that statement isn't going to make much sense or do my songs justice, so I will save the elaboration for when I release these babies. Time to go practice my rhymes, yo.


"Cue soul, pitch shift..

Posted by Gillenium - June 15th, 2008

I always feel bad when I haven't submitted a song in a while. I have a policy of not submitting a song until I'm positive it is perfect, which kind of hurts the ebb and flow of a good release streak. The hardest song to finish is a song with completely new ideas, and I have 3 of those right now.

Trance: Yes, a real trance song. I'm determined to do it, I have a fantastic start on it, but it's taking me forever. It's my debut into the genre, so it has to be perfect. There's soooo many crappy trance songs out there, why would the world need another one? This one is codenamed "Twinkle" at the moment. It's shimmering and beautiful, but not yet done.

Hip Hop: I would like to say this is the Hazard successor, but it's really quite a different beast. It's actual white-boy rap. I have most of the lyrics written, and the hooks are so unbelievably funky... this is all new territory. Being as such, it might be a while before I think it's ready for a world outside of my computer. This is codenamed "Macrochip" right now.

IDM: I've done IDM before, but never quite like this. This isn't Aphex-themed IDM, it's something.... different. I really don't know what the hell I'm making, and that's why it's so important that I get it right. When I manage to make something that isn't like anything I've ever heard before, it's such a fragile thing. This one is codenamed "Too Many Cicadas."

I'm trying not to pressure myself to finish songs, because that leads to rushed songs and rushed releases, but I'm working on these things everyday. Downtime scares me, especially during busy times like these, because I think if I seperate myself from music, it will seperate itself from me.

But anyway, I have an idea for a Waste the Day music video... so keep your eyes on YouTube this week.


Challengers await

Posted by Gillenium - May 29th, 2008

Oh, man! Wake up grandma! Another mix is out! It's way better than the first, believe me.

Check it out here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC6Bk4j _NaM

Y'know, I really like this blend of DJ and actual composition that's going on right now. The music is being made at a slower pace, sure, but there's never an element of boredom to music anymore. If I'm tired of working on a song, I'll just play them. If I'm tired of playing songs, I'll make my own. It's great!

I'm trying to bring the two together at the moment. I'm working on an Ambient Trance tune (my first one, really) that I'm planning on debuting in a mix on YouTube. It will come to NG soon after, of course, but I love the idea of it. I'll probably mix a couple of NG tracks with it, too, and call it the NG Mix (featuring a new Gilleniun song).

I love being a musician.


Second DJ mix - aka the Underworld Mix

Posted by Gillenium - May 18th, 2008

Debut mix is up on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLCEL34 Ld-Q

Not super-happy with it, but after 4 bad takes, I wasn't up for doing it again any time soon, so I uploaded the best take. The funny thing is, all of my practice runs were AWESOME... but all of my recorded runs were not so great (sorry, Mo-Tech!) I have no doubts about a sugar-sweet Session 2 coming out soon, though, so keep your eyes peeled.


DJ Gillenium: Session 1

Posted by Gillenium - May 10th, 2008

New apartment gives way to inspiring new studio set-up.

Moving still sucks, though.

YouTube stuff coming next week.

New studio

Posted by Gillenium - April 27th, 2008

New song! Two actually.. I recorded a little improv from a session with Waste the Day and submitted it as Waste the Minute. Pretty proud of both, so be sure to give them a listen.

Artwork by Amy Goff.

"Because at the end of the day, it's just a process for capturing how people feel."
-Rick Smith, 2007

Waste the Day

Posted by Gillenium - April 15th, 2008

Hey dudes and dudettes. Been quite a week on the ol' Gill page! Ants in a Better Place was featured on the front page, which brought a lot of listeners my way and quickly made Ants my most reviewed and most favorited song, which blows my mind, because I've been here for years and I've accumulated a lot of reviews, but Ants did more for me in a week than any other song did in 5 years. Thanks to everybody who was a part of that.

As far as current projects go, I'm all over the place. I ordered a spankin new mixer and I'm going to start practicing and putting together DJ sets, because I'm itching to play some music out there. Y'know, in the real world... I'm thinking of incorporating my own performances with my Axiom 25, too, but this is all in the planning stages.

I'm working on another Axiom internet performance starring Pandemic and Sunburst (a track from my appropriately titled album Undiscovered Species). Have you seen my other performances? If not, just search Gillenium in Youtube and you'll find them.

As for regular songs, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I have a chance to combine three tunes that I'm working on right now into 1 tune, but I'm not sure if I want to take away 2 songs from my line-up. Either way, the end result is going to be awesome. I got a new piano VST that is out of this world, and I've been improv-ing some amazing endings for the track. It's codenamed "connector" right now, but that was a random choice. It'll have a real name soon enough, as it's about 80 percent done.


Production update - 4/15/08

Posted by Gillenium - April 1st, 2008

Here is some video I took at the Underworld show - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUxwZbg 0n8Q

Sorry for the constant screaming into the camera... but you can understand. It was definitely the best concert I've ever been to.

Other things to note - I made a quick reactionary song to the show, but I removed it from NG a little bit ago. I have a few reasons for doing this, but basically, I just want to work some more on it. It'll be better when I resubmit, I promise.

Also, be SURE to check out Mo-Tech's remix of Dewy Embers. It is truely something to be reckoned with - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /133313


Underworld in Atlanta: A Video Compilation

Posted by Gillenium - March 29th, 2008

Posted by Gillenium - March 26th, 2008

Alright, new experimental song up - Hotel AC. I have a feeling the reviews for this one will be pretty mixed. I'm very happy with the way it turned out, though. I only got the idea for this a couple weeks ago and now it's a fully-realized song! I love it when that happens.

Be on the lookout for a remix of Dewy Embers coming soon from Mo-Tech . I'm excited to see what he does with it.

I'm going to be doing some soundtrack work coming up soon, so I'll be pretty busy. If I miss a reply to a review, just drop me a private message and tell me where to find it! It used to be so easy to find new reviews...

My next song will most likely be a reactionary tune to the Underworld concert I'm going to in a couple of days. I'll be sure to take pictures and write out a nice review of the show, too. I'll see you on the other side!


Gillenium Music News - 3-26-08